Saturday, January 31, 2009

Services Info (Updated)

Services are confirmed for Monday at 2:00pm at First Baptist Church in Friona. There will be no formal visitation. In lieu of flowers our family requests any donations be made to the benevolence fund at First Baptist Church, Friona.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Tonight at about 7:30 Dad's body stopped breathing. Brent and Mom were by his side as he took his last breath, and Wendy had been with him today. We have great comfort in knowing that his soul is in Heaven with his God and Savior. I am so thankful for the Hope we have in Jesus Christ of eternal life and we are assured that Dad knew that Hope. We will miss him greatly. It still is hard to comprehend that Dad won't be with us anymore. But we will see him again- what a day that will be.

Thanks to each one of you for your love and support during this time.

Hanging On

First, sorry there have been no updates in a while. We are all amazed at how long Dad has been holding on. Dad was in great shape at the time of the accident and his body is still fighting to stay alive. He was disciplined with his eating and exercise so most of his body with the exception of his brain has still been functioning. There are starting to be accumulating signs that show his body is shutting down. We are learning more about how amazingly our bodies are created. God created us to fight for survival and the least important body parts/functions shut down first so that we can survive.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

God Remains Faithful

This is not the way we wanted this situation to turn out but we know that God's ways are higher and better than ours. Early on when they told us that Jerry would probably be able to walk and care for himself but could never drive, work, make decisions, or be left alone for fear he would burn the house down - we tucked those things way back in our minds. All along we knew that we could live with this but always wanting something better. Then progressively they told us they would need to put a central line in, then brain surgery, then a feeding tube and a tracheostomy - none of which I wanted him to have, but when it came time for each of these decisions we were at such peace for these things to happen knowing it was for Jerry's best. Then day after day, we saw essentially no improvement except for a brief time which we now think it was a time for him to tell us good bye.

Then came the ultimate decision to place him in hospice which at the time we knew it was best. At this point he could not swallow, make any movement nor make any response.

We know due to all the prayers going up for him and all the prayers going up from his family if it was in God's will he would have been healed. And today we still are asking and hoping God will heal him. But today we know that he is going to be healed ultimately, knowing Jerry would not wish to be left in a coma but to be in heaven with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We love him so much and do not want to let him go but I was thinking " when would I be ready for him to go?" I think God knows this time better than I do and will take him to Himself when He is ready

I want to thank everyone who read this blog and replied.

This time has been a very sad time for us but at the same time it has been such a special time for our family. We know God more intimately than we ever have before. He has been very real to us. He has promised "to never leave us or forsake us " and we know this is true. "He is faithful even when we are faithless." This is true. Jerry's favorite verse is "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

I will close with Jerry's favorite song

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
All the days, all the days of my life
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever
And I shall feast at the table spread for me
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days, all the days of my life.

Monday, January 19, 2009

In Hospice

(From Wendy)

We cannot thank our precious friends and family enough for your prayer support, visits, encouragement, and countless expressions of love, care, and concern. When we met with the doctor this morning, he assured us that everything medically that can be done has been—that Dad is not expected to wake up. He explained that the cumulative trauma to his brain is severe and irreversible. He also did a final CT scan this morning to bless us with the peace of mind to confirm the diagnosis with a final assessment. He recommended that we transition him to hospice care, and he was moved to BSA hospice this afternoon.

We feel a tremendous peace and know it is God carrying us through this difficult situation. Every prayer has been answered in God’s sovereign way. While it is not the outcome we hoped for, we know this is best for Dad. We are thankful to know heaven awaits him when the time comes. He looks comfortable and peaceful. The staff here has been wonderful, and the environment is sweet.

The Lord gives peace that passes all understanding. We thank Him that we do not walk through any of this alone.

Wendy for the family

No Change

I just wanted to quickly update those of you who are checking this. There has been no change over the weekend as far as response from dad. Everything such as his lungs, vital signs, etc. with the exception of his brain injuries looks good. The swelling is still a big concern and we hope to be able to talk with the doctor today. Thanks for your concern and prayers.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Still Praying

Last night, I saw Dad for the first time in about 2 weeks. I was comforted by how good Dad looks- his eye that was black has improved a lot and his face looks good and he just looked like he was resting. If I wouldn't have heard yesterday's news about the brain stem swelling I would not have had any idea he had a setback yesterday. We have not seen the doctor yet today to get an update. The nurses have told us he had a steady night. We're hoping to find out from the doctor if he plans to do another CT scan or if he just wants to continue the medicine. So we don't know a whole lot new today.

Personally, I'm taking special encouragement in Romans 8:26-28

" 26In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;
27and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
28And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. "

We see some of the good that is coming out of this situation but we trust there is more than we know. We're praying for Dad to be healed but ultimately know the Spirit is interceeding for us according to His will.