Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Successful Surgery

We are thankful to hear from the doctor that the surgery went as well as could be expected. He told us we are not out of the woods yet but hopefully ths procedure will help. Recent brain scans showed there were two clots behind the left eye that were merging to form a large mass. The mass that they removed was about the size of a tennis ball! The doctor was confident that they removed the harmful mass without damaging healthy tissue.

They are going to discontinue any further sedation and paralyitics. So when the ones in his body wear off we will be able to see where he is at without being sedated. We are praying and trusting that this will relieve a lot of the pressure in Dad's head and allow him to heal. Ps 41:3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucy Beth, Brent, Wendy, and Wade,
We are rejoicing that God has been with Jerry through the surgery and that the clots have been removed. I know many were with you during the surgery, and many of us were praying at Prayer Meeting. We are claiming Ps. 41:3 with you.
Kevin & Carolyn